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1 Price

Add extra nights: nights before and nights after

Select an option*

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    Sold Out

    1 Bedroom House - (Single or Double Occupancy same price)

    This is the best housing on the property! Price is for both people, click 2 in “Guests in Room” quantity...

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    Sold Out

    Apartment (Double Occupancy)

    Price is for both people, click 2 in “Guests in Room” quantity! Private ½ bath, with a shared shower for...

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    Sold Out

    Apartment (Single Occupancy)

    Private ½ bath, with a shared shower for the two apartments Furnished with queen size bed, dresser, closet, bookshelves, desk,...

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    Sold Out

    Dormitory (Female)

    Dormitories have 12 beds each room, hostel style, men and women separate. If you are coming for a retreat, this is the...

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    Sold Out

    Dormitory (Male)

    Dormitories have 12 beds each room, hostel style, men and women separate. If you are coming for a retreat, this is the...

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    Sold Out

    Private Room (Half Bath)

    If you are looking for privacy but would like at least your own half bath (sink and toilet, shared shower...

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    Sold Out

    Private Room (Shared Bath)

    Your own private room in Casa Tranquilo. Bathrooms are in the hallway. Beds are twin size, big and comfy, a...

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    Private Room - (Full Bath)

    If you are looking for privacy but would like your own full bathroom (sink, toilet, and roomy shower right in...

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    Sold Out

    Shared Room - Bunk Bed (Half Bath)

    Shared room, same sex, half bath (sink and toilet, shared shower in the hallway). It is quiet, away from any...

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    Sold Out

    Shared Room (Couples) - Queen Bed (Full Bath)

    Couples only. Price is for both people, click 2 in “Guests in Room” quantity! Share a queen bed with your...

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    Sold Out

    Shared Room (Couples) - Double Bed (Shared Bath)

    Couples only. Price is for both people, click 2 in “Guests in Room” quantity! Share a double bed with your...

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    Sold Out

    Shared Room - Bunk Beds (Full Bath)

    Comfortable room, same sex share room. Full bath with shower in beautiful Casa Harmonia (Harmony House) away from the noise,...

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    Sold Out

    Shared Room - Bunk Bed (Shared Bath)

    Share with one other person of the same sex or with your friend if you are coming with a friend....

Come and enjoy a 6 day retreat at Gaia Sagrada Ayahuasca Retreat Center. Your 6 days will include two Ayahuasca ceremonies and a San Pedro ceremony. The housing for this retreat is about a 3 minute walk to the main community center and involves some stairs. If you have some walking or mobility issues, please contact us to discuss your situation at gaiacontact@umsonline.org The price of your room includes All-You-Can-Eat healthy vegetarian and vegan food. There is an extra, optional Ayahuasca ceremony (see Optional Items below) at 5 pm on the Saturday night the day you arrive. You might want to book an extra night before your retreat. If you choose to participate in this ceremony, please do not eat any food after lunch but be sure to drink plenty of water all day. Please read notes under 'Optional Items' for 'Round Trip Airport Transfer' and 'No Karma Yoga' before completing your booking.

2 People in your group

Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
After completing this form, emails will be sent to everyone in your group to complete their information.

3 Optional Items

Select quantity
Select quantity
Select quantity
Select quantity
Select quantity

4 Participant Info

Please choose your biological sex at birth. No one can room with the opposite sex in a shared room or dormitory situation without other people's consent. If you are not willing to room with your biological birth sex, please choose a private room in consideration for others. We welcome transgender people here, but it is not fair to force sharing a room with a stranger of the opposite biological sex without their consent. if you are coming with a friend, please to let us know you want to room together if choosing a shared room.
5% discount for UMS students.
Please enter any other discount codes here and click Apply
Please answer yes or no. If yes, let us know whether you were here as a guest or a member of our Work Exchange Program
Check all the apply
If you come a day or two before the retreat, please enter date you arrive. Here are the prices for non-retreat nights at Gaia Sagrada Click Here Food is included.
If you stay a day or two after the retreat, please enter date you depart.
This email list is connected to University of Metaphysical Sciences (our sponsoring 501(c)3 non profit organization). We don't send emails out very often, so we promise you won't be bombarded. Also, we never share our lists with anyone else, so you will only get emails from us.

5 Health & Medical Questions

Help us keep you safe. If we know about medical conditions you have we can be prepared for your needs.
It is important we know this as some medications are not compatible with Ayahuasca.
Please details and let us know you handle them? (Medications, avoidance of things you’re allergic to, etc.) Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help keep your allergies from surfacing.
Please explain your condition and procedures needed.

6 Emergency Contacts

For each emergency contact, please include name and relationship to you, address, phone number, and email address. We will not contact either person unless there is an emergency and we will not put either one on an email list. We respect privacy rights.
Father, mother, brother, sister, friend, etc.
Please include the international country calling code
(father, mother, brother, sister, friend, etc.)
Please include the international country calling code

7 Agreements

I understand that Gaia Sagrada cannot provide me with medical attention nor does Gaia Sagrada have a doctor or nurse on site. I understand that the hospital is approximately an hour away. I am alerting Gaia Sagrada in the "special dietary or medical needs" section if I have health conditions which staff needs to know about for my safety. By submitting my reservation for a Shamanic Ceremony Retreat at Gaia Sagrada, or any other type of stay at Gaia Sagrada, I understand that my health and well-being is my responsibility and not that of Gaia Sagrada, staff, or associates thereof. I am bringing medicines I need with me, I have consulted with my doctor if I feel the need, and I have enough money to take care of my own health needs. If I have signed up for the shamanic retreat, or choose to when I am there, I take full responsibility for my experiences or reactions to the Sacred Ceremonies. I choose to participate in Sacred Ceremonies, or simply stay at Gaia Sagrada without being a participant in the retreats, of my own free will. If participating in the shamanic ceremonies, I know that I will be partaking in plant medicine teas. Whatever type of stay at Gaia Sagrada I choose, I promise to be careful, follow directions, and ask for help if I should need assistance in any way whatsoever.
I, of sound mind, understand that there is an ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic and that travelling to Gaia Sagrada and to Ecuador, for a retreat or a monthly stay, is not risk free. I take total responsibility for my own health and any medical expenses that may arise due to my decision to travel. I agree that if I were to fall ill during my time at Gaia Sagrada with any cold or flu-like symptoms, I will immediately enter into isolation. Refusal to isolate will result in my immediate dismissal from Gaia Sagrada. I agree that if I were to become sick with COVID-19, or any other virus, I will not hold Gaia Sagrada responsible. I acknowledge that social distancing and facemasks etc are not an option for retreats at Gaia Sagrada and that Gaia Sagrada cannot guarantee a virus free zone, although certain precautions will be taken. I agree to take full responsibility for my decision to attend a retreat or monthly stay at Gaia Sagrada
We do not discriminate between vaccinated or unvaccinated, but it is important for us to know for health reasons in case there are any emergencies. We have not seen any issues, but if there are we would want to be able to inform a doctor if if a person is vaccinated or not. Thank you for understanding!

8 Payment


Month    Year 
usually a 3 digit code on back of card